Get to Know Me
and My Philosophy

Dr. Bernard Wh Jennings, MASS, CLMS, FSCCM
Million Dollar Baby Maker Expert
Dr. Bernard Wh Jennings is a license Life & Annuity Insurance Agent. He is also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediator & holds a Loss Mitigation Specialist certificate from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development & has worked in the Mortgage Banking industry for more than 10 years. He served as an Administrative Hearing Officer to the Miami-Dade County Manager to arbitrate disputes arising from Ordinance 99-44. His business experiences range from airport development to construction management, he successfully negotiated one of the largest private commercial aviation leaseholds & development contracts in Miami-Dade at Opa-Locka Airport. He served as a Mediator for the Collins Center for Public Policy Managed Foreclosure Mediation Program, American Arbitration Association & he is a mediator for the Florida Department of Financial Services Mediation Program. He has performed Business Arbitration & Debt Negotiation for many years. Dr. Jennings is the Founder & President of the Biscayne Gardens Chamber of Commerce. He is the Chairman of the Incorporation and Charter Committee for the Incorporation of Miami-Dade’s next municipality to be named as the City of Biscayne Gardens Village. Former Executive Director of the Miami-Dade DEC. Mr Jennings is also former Chairman of the Miami Alumni Kappa Foundation, Inc. a local not-for-profit. Dr Jennings has a Bachelors’ degree in Public Administration from Florida Memorial University and a Masters of Applied Social Science in Public Administration from Florida A&M University. He recently provided leadership for the passing of the historic legislation in the State of Florida "Ethan's Good Dad Act" - HB #775 Parental Responsibility After The Determination of Paternity. Which provides unwed fathers with equal rights to that of unwed mothers when they step up and acknowledge paternity and sign their Childs birth certificate.
Florida License #187784 Texas License #2807001
To making Million Dollar Babies
I believe that children are our future. We need to teach them well so that they can lead the way. We need to show them all the greatness and potential they possess inside. We need to instill within them a sense of pride. Expose them to many different things and people and cultures. Allow them to be enriched by the world of knowledge and love.
As parents and guardians we need to help them prepare for their future and that of their future generations. We can achieve this by creating a legacy through life insurance.
Allow me to utilize my expertise to educate you on how you can start early and set your child or children up for life. Watch all the short videos on this sit and then contact me directly at 786-486-7217. I also have a method for adults to advance and achieve what you have only dreamed about now as well.